Брюссель город номер два в мире и номер один в Европе - по числу международных конференций

Брюсселе город номер два в мире и номер один в Европе - по числу международных конференций

The UIA confirms Brussels as the number two city in the world, and the number one in Europe in terms of the number of international conferences it hosts

In its prestigious annual report, the Union of International Associations (UIA) has announced that for the 7th year in a row, the capital of Belgium has achieved second place in the world and first in Europe in terms of the number of conferences hosted in 2015. This means that the Region has surged ahead of cities like Seoul, Paris, Vienna and Tokyo.

In 2014, Brussels made a spectacular leap forward, growing by 80%. In 2015, it has consolidated its position, with 665 international conferences organised in the city. The capital was only beaten by Singapore, which hosts 736 conferences. The two leaders were followed by Seoul (494), Paris (362), Vienna (308), and Tokyo (249).

Patrick Bontinck, CEO of visit.brussels, is delighted: “This latest recognition rewards the hard work done by the visit.brussels Convention Bureau, in collaboration with suppliers, as well as the excellent event facilities the city boasts. As well as this, with the very recent creation of the Association Bureau, Brussels has once again managed to demonstrate its ambition of really standing out in this field, despite fierce competition.”

A number of factors combine to make sure that the city reflects a positive image: modern, flexible and sustainable facilities and services, a central geographical position, great accommodation and access options and much more. On top of this, every day the team at the visit.brussels Convention Bureau offers their extensive expertise to make sure that conferences, meetings and events run as smoothly as possible. This includes arranging for visitors to be welcomed, pre-booking and customised support for a successful event. Added to this is the Association Bureau, a unique new concept that has only just been introduced, offering personalised services to international associations and providing solutions to all their needs and questions.

More information about the visit.brussels Convention Bureau and the Association Bureau via the dedicated website.

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