Будапешт - туристические новости августа 2016 года

Будапешт - туристические новости августа 2016 года

A true fairy tale - The uncrowned queen of the pool, Katinka Hosszú

The girl from Baja. That is where she learned to swim, began her career, and no matter where she finds herself in the world, she mentions her home city by the Danube. As a child in Baja, she dreamt that one day she would be a great swimmer, standing on the Olympic podium. She has won 3 gold medals in Rio, topping with a silver.

Read more Our 5 Favourite Vegan Restaurants in Budapest

While a few years ago we’d have trouble writing up a serious list of vegetarian restaurants, we now have an abundance of vegan places in Budapest. To avoid confusion, you do not need to be on any kind of special diet to be able to enjoy the wide variety of vegan meals; the only thing needed is to be open to healthy, tasty and nutritious options!

Read more The Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden is celebrating

The book “Zoo – 150 years, 150 stories” was published. Of course there was also a birthday cake at the celebration, which was prepared by the confectioners from the neighbouring Gundel Restaurant. The spectacular cake artistically depicted the oldest building of the Zoo, the Owl Castle, which was erected in 1866, and its recipe was developed based on authentic recipes preserved in the Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Catering.
Individual adults can buy a ticket for the Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden with a discount of 25 % with their Budapest Card.

Read more Romantic weekend break in Budapest – BUDAPEST CARD is your entry

The turn-of-the-century charm and Art Nouveau buildings of the Hungarian capital create the perfect setting for an intimate, romantic weekend.If you are visiting Budapest in wintertime, you can skate around Europe’s largest Ice Rink – set in a marvellous natural and built environment at the foot of Vajdahunyad Castle – which transforms into a Boating Lake complete with catering terrace and lakeside path from spring to autumn.

Read more Discover the real face of Budapest with TukTuk’s brand-new tour!

The very latest tour and the longest so far, ‘Highlights of Budapest Exclusive Private tour’, takes nearly four hours, during which everything of the finest Budapest has to offer is revealed. Sightseeing is made all the more convenient by the fact that TukTuk customers can request a free pick up from their hotel.

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