Что делать в Голландии летом? Любоваться архитектурой, посещать музеи и ходить по магазинам

Что делать в Голландии летом? Любоваться архитектурой, посещать музеи и ходить по магазинам!

Admire architecture, visit museums and go shopping. Discover the ingredients to make your holiday special
Dear Mr Алексей,We have made a list of everything you need for a fantastic holiday. Interested in futuristic architecture? Be sure to visit Rotterdam. But there is more to do this summer. Check out our selection of must-sees.Futuristic architecture and gastronomic delight in oneMany world cities like Barcelona, Copenhagen and Stockholm are already familiar with the phenomenon of the indoor market. But have you visited Rotterdam's Markthal? A football pitch-sized indoor floor area, full of fresh fish, meat and vegetable stalls and delicatessens is the ideal place for real foodies wanting to indulge their taste buds.Read moreCube Houses, the icon of RotterdamOne of the icons of Rotterdam are the cubic houses. These 40 unconventional houses were tilted 45 degrees to become the first cube-shaped houses in Holland. The cubes are prominently located in the centre of Rotterdam.Read moreAn overview of the best shops in RotterdamRotterdam is the ultimate shopping city with its large variety of shops. From big fashion brands to small design boutiques, you can shop ‘til you drop.Read moreVisit the cultural festival ‘Rotterdam Unlimited’ from 26 – 30 JulyMusic, dance, film, poetry, Summer Carnival and more! Rotterdam Unlimited presents a spectacular innovative program in more than five locations in Rotterdam that will leave you absolutely amazed.Read moreUnique accommodationBe adventurous on your holiday by spending the night in a beautiful castle, unique hotel or even on a quirky house boat.View selectionThe Tropenmuseum in AmsterdamThe Tropenmuseum is one of Amsterdam’s most beautiful buildings. Here, you can explore the most wondrous treasures and stories from around the world.Buy your ticketsA special exhibition in the Hermitage MuseumThirty huge 17th-century group portraits from the collections of the Amsterdam Museum and the Rijksmuseum can be admired in the Hermitage, Amsterdam.Read moreThe Nine Streets shopping itinerary AmsterdamExplore Amsterdam’s shopping district at the Nine Streets. These 9 little picturesque streets are located in the city centre and have a variety of exclusive shops ranging from fashion and vintage boutiques to antiques and homeware stores.Read moreHop on Hop off Intercity Sightseeing Bus from Amsterdam to The HagueThis Hop on Hop off Intercity Sightseeing Bus takes you from Amsterdam to The Hague. Along the way, you can disembark at Schiphol, in Leiden and in Scheveningen (beach).Read moreThe top museums in central HollandThe top museums in central Holland. We have selected 18 museums that you shouldn’t miss.Read more

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