Cyprus Tourism Organisation: Новые места для отдыха на острове.

Cyprus Tourism Organisation: Новые места для отдыха на острове. There is always something new to discover in Cyprus. New “arrivals” have added to the island’s value and are attracting both visitors and locals. The absolute talk of the island is the new Limassol Marina – a long awaited project that brought new life to Limassol and boosted the brand name Cyprus. 

Limassol Marina combines elegant residences and a full service marina with an enticing mix of restaurants and shops. Located in the heart of a vibrant city, the marina development offers luxury apartments and exclusive villas with their own private berths or direct access to the beach. It can accommodate 650 yachts from 8m to 110m and it has immediately become the newest hot spot of the island. The revamping of Limassol’s Old Port as well as the creation of Limassol’s Multifunctional Seaside Park have created a waterfront area that offers the opportunity for recreation, exercise, fine dining and a closer contact with the sea.
All these new areas are connected with a well-designed pedestrian path and a cycling way that allows you to enjoy the 15km Limassol waterfront (from the Marina to the last hotel) and if you’re tired then just hop on the bus that offers a frequent service until late in the evening.
But that is not all! Another new arrival that has already boosted the cultural horizon of Cyprus is none other than the The Leventis Gallery in Lefkosia.


The Leventis Gallery is housed in an ultra-modern signature building near the core of the old town of Lefkosia. It features three collections: the Greek that displays works which represent the variety of artistic movements and stylistic approaches in the history of Modern Greek painting, the Paris that features Dutch still lives, light-spirited Rococo pastorals, 18th-century Venetian views, works by the precursors and the great masters of the Impressionist movement, and boldly colored Pointillist and Fauve canvases and the Cyprus one which focuses on the everyday life of the people, the landscape and the history of Cyprus.  
Enjoy the new hot spots of Cyprus and get to know it through its artistic creation and be a part of its everyday life!


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Cyprus Tourism Organisation
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