Helsinki Design Weekly: Берлин познакомится с новыми разработками финских дизайнеров - мобильными домами

Берлин познакомится с новыми разработками финских дизайнеров - мобильными домами.

One of the most interesting Finnish design projects this year is Mobile Home 2017.

A joint venture of four Finnish cultural institutes explores and interprets different meanings of home through experiences, architecture, art, science and sociology.

Of all the four projects in Paris, Berlin, the Benelux and London, the most abstract is the one in Berlin. Helsinki Design Weekly is the first to present the installation, created by Tuomas A. Laitinen, which combines a grow tent for plants, a video piece and furniture wrapped in moving blankets.

The best of Finnish design will be awarded in September at the Muoto Gala. Organized for the first time as a part of Helsinki Design Week, we want to invite Weekly readers to decide which Finnish design phenomena, professionals and trends will be awarded.

Suggest your favourites before 9 March here and win tickets to the gala.

And if lighting is close to your heart, see the highlights of VALO/ON 2017, a new event that gathered lighting pioneers together in Helsinki.

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