Люксембург: От города-крепости к европейской столице и другие туристские новости января 2017 года

Люксембург: От города-крепости к европейской столице и другие туристские новости января 2017 года.

The newsletter from Luxembourg for Tourism informs you about the latest news on tourism in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It covers a variety of subjects your readers or auditors are interested in: A nation of cyclists and its Tour de France; Luxembourg Card 2017: access to more than 60 attractions; From a fortress town to a European capital; Seven castles and a valley; 27th May 2017: ING Night Marathon; Musée d’Histoire de la Ville inaugurates its new permanent collection.
  Luxembourg for Tourism
Press Department

A nation of cyclists and its Tour de France


In 2017, five major international competitions will come to the Grand Duchy. Amateur and professional cyclists love Luxembourg’s quiet roads and the 23 high quality cycle tracks. There is something for everyone, whether they are looking for a pleasant ride, training opportunities or competition. There are more than 600km of dedicated paved tracks, with around 700km of mountain bike trails...


Luxembourg Card 2017: access to more than 60 attractions
Nowhere else can you visit a whole country with a single tourist “passport”. The Luxembourg Card 2017 gives free access and large reductions for more than 60 attractions. It also gives unlimited use of the country’s public transport network. It’s a real “must have” for groups, families and individuals... 


From a fortress town to a European capital
This year will mark Luxembourg’s 150 year anniversary as an open city: a place where very many languages are spoken on the streets, in conference centres, and in business meetings. This multicultural attitude is alive throughout the day and night, creating a pleasant, open atmosphere for residents and visitors alike... 


Seven castles and a valley
Many are surprised that this enchanting region is located so close to the capital. Châteaux (both in the form of military castles and stately homes) rich in historical mystery feature next to ancient pathways and roads, idyllic pastures, fields and forests... 


Sneak preview

27th May 
ING Night Marathon
Around 15,000 runners will head for Luxembourg on 27th May for the marathon. More than just a night run, it is a weekend away to sample the cultural offering, the varied retail options, a samba festival, and other event...


5th May 
Musée d’Histoire de la Ville inaugurates its new permanent collection
The way Luxembourg City history museum’s prestigious collection is presented has been freshened up. It takes the visitor on a chronological trip from the origins of the town to its current status as a thriving cosmopolitan metropolis... 


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