В Салониках 7 и 8 апреля 2014 г. пройдет профессиональный workshop Respond On Demand

В Салониках 7 и 8 апреля 2014 г. пройдет профессиональный workshop Respond On Demand  

Invitation by Respond On Demand to participate to the b2b Travel Event  on April 7 & 8, 2014

A strictly professional b2b Travel Event will be held on  7 & 8 of April, 2014  in Thessaloniki, Greece. During two days you will meet hoteliers from various Greek destinations, travel agents, tour operators, event organizers and other tourism professionals from Greece and Europe. Prearranged meetings will be planned by the organizers, in order to utilize your time in the best way. Attached is a primary  activities' program.

The event will be held at CAPSIS Hotel, Thessaloniki and a various program of parallel networking events will be held.


After evaluation, a specific number of buyers will be approved to be included in the hosted buyers program offering them:

   A free of charge stand to the b2b Travel Event
  B2b prearranged meetings with Greek hoteliers from various tourism destinations
Networking dinner with other hosted buyers
The participants' list is getting bigger from day to day
 Two nights complimentary bb accommodation in a single room at Capsis Hotel
Complimentary post trip to Edipsos area for three  more  days http://www.visitedipsos.gr/
The only cost that should be covered by the participants is this of their flight/bus tickets to Thessaloniki.

Make your application online HERE http://b2btravelevent.com/travel-agents-tour-operators-registration/ !!

 Respond On Demand Team



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