Slovenian Tourist Board: Добро пожаловать на родину первой леди США

Slovenian Tourist Board: Добро пожаловать на родину первой леди США. Welcome to homeland of the First Lady of the USA

Welcome to green, active and healthy Slovenia, the homeland of the new First Lady of the United States of America! Explore her home town of Sevnica, the land of healthy waters, lovely castles and wineyards.

Before spring knocks on the door, visit some vibrant festivals in Sloveni. In Ljubljana, don’t miss the MENT Ljubljana Festival in the beginning of February.

Spend the night at Hotel Plesnik in Logarska dolina, the Logar Valley, which received a Luxury Eco-Friendly Hotel of The Year Award, or at the Slovenian coast in Hoteli Bernardin, which is celebrating its 40-year anniversary.

Enjoy snowy Slovenia!

Winter joy in Slovenia


Sevnica - the place where the new First Lady of the US grew up

Sevnica is a town on the left bank of the Sava River in central Slovenia, where the new First Lady of the United States of America, Melania Trump, grew up. It is a place to relax and be inspired. more...

Ana Roš

Ana Roš brings attention to the cuisine of Melania Trump's homeland

Slovenia was presented to selected American tourist agencies, tour operators, and key tourism media and opinion leaders in New York City with culinary masterpieces by Ana Roš. more...


Ljubljana passes on its title with a record month

Ljubljana was the carrier of the prestigious title European Green Capital 2016, and it has now passed on the crown to the German city of Essen with a record number of tourists in December. more...

Story of success

 Hotel Plesnik

Slovenian hotel wins the Luxury Eco-Friendly Hotel of the Year Award

Hotel Plesnik in the north of Slovenia has won the prestigious Luxury Eco-Friendly Hotel of The Year Award by the Luxury Travel Guide. The award represents the pinnacle of achievement in various fields. more......

Traditional Slovenia


Kurentovanje Festival calls spring to come

Visit the lively carnival festivals around green, active and healthy Slovenia! Between 17th and 28th February, Ptuj invites you to visit Kurentovanje, the largest cultural and ethnographic carnival in the country, and one of the largest in Europe. more...



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