Slovenian Tourist Board: Экологический туризм в Словении

Slovenian Tourist Board: Экологический туризм в Словении 

Green yourself in Slovenia

Welcome the summer in green, active and healthy Slovenia!

We have prepared a list of the most refreshing summer festivals for you, and Lonely Planet has contributed a list of unique accommodation where you can spend the night. Plus, hike on the Alpe Adria Trail and enjoy a ride with a new car-sharing model in Ljubljana, the European Green Capital 2016.

Greenings from Slovenia

Ljubljana receives a prestigious Golden Apple Award

Ljubljana receives a prestigious Golden Apple Award

The European Green Capital 2016 has received another award. Ljubljana won the “tourism Oscar” for its excellent achievements in the development of tourism. more...

Lonely planet thrilled about Slovenia’s unique accommodation

Lonely planet thrilled about Slovenia’s unique accommodation

“Blessed with natural splendour in abundance, Slovenia has been crafting itself a well-deserved reputation for clean, green travel,” begins the article about “Slovenias unique sleeps: camping, glamping and offbeat lodgings” by Lonely Planet. more...

The Alpe Adria Trail in National Geographic Traveller

The Alpe Adria Trail in National Geographic Traveller

The Alpe Adria Trail is a long distance hiking trail connecting Austrian Carinthia, Slovenia and the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. In June, the German version of the National Geographic Traveller wrote about the adventures you can experience along the way. more...

Summer vibes
 Refreshing summer festivals by the water in Slovenia

Refreshing summer festivals by the water in Slovenia

Slovenia’s range of entertainment is boosted by open-air festivals in the warmer months of the year. Join the colourful cultural events, entertaining music shows and popular festivals, and enjoy Slovenia’s summer vibes! more......

Green Slovenia
Ljubljana has a new electric car-sharing model

Ljubljana has a new electric car-sharing model

Ljubljana will be the first European capital to get a new electric car-sharing model. The first vehicles will arrive in the European Green Capital 2016 on 1st July and will be available for rental through a mobile application. more...

Do not miss

Slovenian tourism in 25 years

Slovenian tourism in 25 years

On 25th June, Slovenia marked 25 years since gaining its independence. For the anniversary, the Slovenian Tourist Board prepared an overview of Slovenian tourism during the last quarter of a century. more...Celtic Football Club is already training in Slovenia

Celtic Football Club is already training in Slovenia

Celtic, the legendary football club from Glasgow, has arrived in Slovenia and begun preparations for the Champions League qualification matches, which start in the middle of July. The club will stay in Slovenia until 9th July. more...

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