Словения необыкновенно очаровательна во время уборки урожая

Словения необыкновенно очаровательна во время уборки урожаяGreen Slovenia prepares for harvesting

Green, active and healthy Slovenia is welcoming the harvesting season! Visit a traditional event dedicated to wine and its production – but if you prefer beer, we have good news for you. Žalec is opening the Europe’s first beer fountain!

Slovenia is a beautiful destination! Treat yourself to an unforgettable adventure by visiting the finalists of the Sejalec 2016 awards or relax in the town of Sevnica in central Slovenia.

Feel Slovenia and enjoy the news!

Greenings from Slovenia

Final round of Sejalec 2016 awards

Final round of Sejalec 2016 awards

The finalists of the open call for the Sejalec Award for Innovative Ideas in Tourism have been announced. Since 2004, the Sejalec awards have been presented to the most innovative tourist products and providers of tourist services at the national level. more...

Feel Slovenia in Tallinn

Feel Slovenia in Tallinn

From 25th August to 7th September the Freedom Square (Vabaduse valjak) in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, will host an exhibition called “I Feel Slovenia. I Feel 25”. This mobile exhibition is inspired by the 25-year anniversary of Slovenia as an independent country. more...

Olympic spirit in Sinfo

Olympic spirit in Sinfo

During the Olympics in Rio, the magazine of the Slovenian Government Communication Office, Sinfo, wrote about the Slovenian athletes. Active Slovenia has many amateur and professional sportspeople, who achieved great results in the international championships. more...

 Slovenia is a beautiful destination

Slovenia is a beautiful destination

Jacob Riglin, the photographer and director of photo and video content for Beautiful Destinations, one of the biggest social media community in the world is a firm believer in the maxim that a good photo is worth a thousand words. Recently he spent 48 hours in Slovenia. more...

Taste Slovenia
The first beer fountain in Europe opens its taps

The first beer fountain in Europe opens its taps

Europes first beer fountain will start operating on 6th September 2016 in Žalec. The fountain will dispense a variety of beers produced with Slovenian hops. more...

...Green Slovenia
Slovenia prepares for harvesting

Slovenia prepares for harvesting

Slovenia has a long tradition as a wine-producing country and the end of August brings the beginning of grape harvesting. more...

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Do not miss

Postojna Cave welcomes its 37 millionth visitor

Postojna Cave welcomes its 37 millionth visitor

On Wednesday, 24th August, Postojna Cave welcomed its 37-millionth visitor. more...
The best of Sevnica

The best of Sevnica

Sevnica is a town on the left bank of the Sava River in central Slovenia. It is a place to relax and be inspired. more...

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