Словения подвела итоги туристического 2015 года и готовится новому сезону.

Новый год не за горами – Туристический офис Словении предлагает обзор событий за прошедший 2015 год.

Туристический сезон 2015 года был успешным.  Словения занимает ведущие позиции среди наиболее быстро растущих европейских рынков туризм. Сегодня заинтересованные компании  готовятся к  международным деловым мероприятиям, которые будет принимать Словения в 2016 году.

The New Year is just around the corner and we are making an overview of the past 12 months. The successful tourist season of 2015 ranked Slovenia among the fastest-growing European tourism markets, and stakeholders are already focused on the international business events that Slovenia will host in 2016.

We also proudly present some new publications about Slovenian ski centresnatural health resorts and best fly fishing destinations, published by the Slovenian Tourist Board. For more ideas for an unforgettable visit to our country between the Alps, the Mediterranean Sea, the karst and the Pannonian plain, follow the 6 Lonely Planet suggestions.

Put on your winter shoes, warm clothes and cheerleading props and come to Slovenia for manyinternational winter competitions. Ski lovers should visit the Golden Fox on 30th and 31st January, while the Vitranc Cup is scheduled to unfold on 5th and 6th March. You are warmly welcome at the World Cup finals in ski jumping at Planica between 17th and 20th March, where the renovated Nordic centre was opened at the beginning of December.

Feel the winter magic and enjoy the December news from Slovenia!

December highlights

Slovenia among the fastest growing tourist markets of Europe

Slovenia among the fastest growing tourist markets of Europe

International tourist arrivals in Europe have increased by 5% in recent months, reflecting the economic growth in the Eurozone and the popularity of Europe as a tourist destination. According to the European Travel Commission, Slovenia is among those destinations which recorded the greatest increase in visits by foreign tourists. more...

Tempting new tourist publications from Slovenia

Tempting new tourist publications from Slovenia

The Slovenian Tourist Board has issued some brand new tourist publications. Discover your favourite ski slopes in the publication Ski Resorts in Slovenia. If you prefer warmer retreats and pampering at health resorts, Healthy Water – Slovenian natural spas introduces you to the healing touch of Slovenian natural water springs. You can also explore picturesque destinations for popular Fly fishing in Slovenia. more...

International business events in SloveniaInternational business events in Slovenia

Take the opportunity for a business meeting with stakeholders and decision makers of Slovenian tourism. Visit the Slovenian Incoming Workshop SIW and take part in the semi-annual meeting of the European Travel Agents’ and Tour Operators’ Associations ECTAA, both to be held in May 2016. more...

Day of Slovenian Food and Traditional BreakfastDay of Slovenian Food and Traditional Breakfast

In November, for the third year in a row, healthy Slovenia celebrated the Day of Slovenian Food. The main objective and purpose of this specially declared day is to support Slovenian producers and processors of food. The celebration takes place every third Friday in November. more...

Planica - renovated home of the Slovenian eagles

The snow queen, Planica, as described by active Slovenians, has a new image this season. The renovated modern Nordic centre invites you to the ski jumping hills and a new cross-country skiing route. Its official opening is on 11th December. more...

Do not miss

Lonely Planets 6 excellent suggestions to visit in Slovenia

Lonely Planets 6 excellent suggestions to visit in Slovenia

Green, active and healthy Slovenia astonished the Lonely Planet. Take their suggestions for your next trip to Slovenia. Magical Bled, Ljubljana, the European Green Capital 2016, Postojna cave, stunning Piran, emerald alpine river Soča and the green Vipava valley.more...
New Guinness World record with Slovenian Olympic athletes

New Guinness World record with Slovenian Olympic athletes

Welcome the year 2016 with a new Guinness World record in the company of the Slovenian Olympic athletes. Over 5000 people will form a Circle of Friendship around lake Bled on the 30th December more...

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