Словения - зеленый, активный и здоровый отдых летом
Green, active and healthy summer in Slovenia
Slovenia is young, lively and optimistic. In 25 years of independence and hard work our green country has managed to create its own unique fairytale place in the heart of Europe. In these times when our planet is especially vulnerable in terms of ecology and the safety of the people, Slovenia is maintaining its green, active and healthy character. And what unfortunately is becoming increasingly important, Slovenia is safe. In 2016 it was listed among the 10 safest countries in the world by the Institute for Economics and Peace.
Greenings from Slovenia
“I feel Slovenia” for 25 years
On 25th June 1991, Slovenia gained its independence. The day was marked by the historical words of the former Slovenian President Milan Kučan: “Today, dreams are allowed, tomorrow is a new day!”. more...
Slovenia among the 10 safest countries in the world
The Global Peace Index 2016 was recently published by the Institute for Economics and Peace think tank, revealing the safest countries in the world. Green, active and healthy Slovenia is in 10th place on the list of safest countries, which is 5 places higher than in the previous year. more...
A green future with the Green Slovenia Consortium
The first regular meeting of the Green Slovenia Consortium and its founders was held on Thursday, 16th June. It brought together representatives of destinations and service providers who are included in the green scheme of Slovenian tourism or are in the process of obtaining a Slovenia Green Certificate. more...
Safeguarding the Future
Head of UNWTO at Bled Strategic Forum
The Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Taleb Rifai, will visit green, active and healthy Slovenia in September to attend the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF), held on 5-6th September. more......
Lively Culture
Maribor welcomes Festival Lent
Welcome to the biggest Slovenian open-air festival, Festival Lent, in the second biggest city in Slovenia. Maribor ranked on the list of 10 secret places you must see by USA Today. more...
Postojna Cave released an amazing and unique video of the baby olms’ historical hatching. An infra-red camera was used to observe the baby dragons in the cave’s aquarium. more...
Slovenia through the eyes of David A. Sutton
In these times of cameras, photographs and smart phones, when we just press a button to create memories, Slovenia has hosted blogger David A. Sutton, a travel artist, photographer and writer. more...
Hotel Aleksander re-opens its doors
Hotel Aleksander, a luxurious 5* hotel in Rogaška Slatina, has reopened its doors. more...