Тампере готовится к битломании!

Тампере готовится к битломании!

A house full of Beatlemania

Beatles fans from around the world get a chance to meet again at Tampere Hall, when Tampere Beatles Happening is organised for the eighth time on 7–9 April. The programme includes 60s rock music, the best-loved hits and plenty of other entertainment.

The event kicks off on Friday, when the festivalgoers get to enjoy the Beatles vibe at two different concerts, featuring artists such as the Finnish music legend Pepe Willberg and The Funkles from Spain.

On Saturday, music-lovers can hunt for treasures at the Vinylmania market, where over 20 merchants will be selling the hottest rarities. This year, the main concert on Saturday evening will be headlined by Them Beatles from the UK, who are one of the most esteemed Beatles tribute bands in the world. The concert’s other internationally renowned act is Help! A Beatles Tribute from Slovenia, who will have performed in 14 different European countries before their gig in Tampere. Sunday will be devoted to Pink Floyd, when the Finnish tribute band Pulse performs on the main stage in the Main Auditorium of Tampere Hall.

Book your place now and get ready to rock! Concert tickets from EUR 30.

A whole weekend for women

The Women of the World Finland festival fills Tampere Hall with girl power this coming weekend on 11–12 March. On the agenda are fascinating debates, workshops, performances, comedy, dance, theatre and film. The programme includes several internationally renowned speakers and top performers. For example, the Women of Vision panel on Saturday features President Tarja Halonen talking about her efforts to promote equality. Come along to celebrate women, girls and equality!

Finland celebrates gender equality as a part of WOW Finland

To support discussion on equality and to celebrate Finland’s 100 years of independence, the Finnish Government will establish an international prize for gender equality. The launch of the prize was made by Prime Minister Juha Sipilä at the equality festival at Tampere Hall in Tampere, Finland, on International Women's Day March 8th. The celebration of the equality continues next weekend at the Women of the World Finland festival at Tampere Hall.

Popularity of Tampere Hall soaring

The year 2016 was a successful one for Tampere Hall. The turnover of Tampere Hall Ltd rose by 15 per cent on the previous year and amounted to EUR 9.2 million. The number of visitors reached a new record in 2016 with 371,000, which makes Tampere Hall the most visited culture and conference centre in Finland. Tampere Hall exceeded its financial targets last year, turning a profit and hosting 630 events in the midst of the biggest renovation in the building’s history. The EUR 22 million restructuring project at Tampere Hall is the country’s biggest cultural undertaking during Finland’s 100th anniversary year.

Restaurant Tuhto is now open

Tuhto, a new restaurant that opened at Tampere Hall in February, has already attracted widespread praise for its tasty food, light and airy surroundings and friendly service. Tuhto is open for lunch and dinner, and it is an ideal venue for meetings and social get-togethers. The welcoming, casual restaurant also serves food before and after concerts as well as during intermissions. Now is a great time to visit Tuhto, as the restaurant has a special offer on the classic Hunter’s Sandwich, which is yours for just EUR 10 all through March!

Get ready for the opening of the Moomin Museum

The only Moomin Museum in the world opens its doors at Tampere Hall on 17 June 2017. The entire first weekend will be one big party for Moomin-lovers and families. A wide range of entertainment will be on offer at Tampere Hall and in the adjoining Sorsapuisto Park, and the whole city will be celebrating the opening of the new museum.

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