Turisme de Barcelona: новости январь 2017 года

Turisme de Barcelona: новости январь 2017 года.

A committee will ensure the sustainability of tourism

The committee’s objective is to make all areas of tourist activity sustainable, reaffirming the commitment to responsible tourism

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Sustainability, culture and decentralisation, 2017 promotional focuses

Turisme de Barcelona will turn these elements into driving forces across all its promotional activities 

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A new map for enjoying the art galleries of Barcelona and Catalonia

The consortium and the Union of Art Galleries have joined forces to boost the visibility of one of the cultural sectors with the biggest international profile 

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Turisme de Barcelona talks about tourist industry at universities

Tourism increasingly appeals to university students as a business opportunity and career path 

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Collaboration with the ‘El Sueño de los Niños’ foundation

Free Bus Turístic (sightseeing bus) tour tickets for children with cancer who are in Barcelona with their families to receive treatment 

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Personal stories

Naohito Watanabe, Japanese Consul General in Barcelona


“The Japanese share with Barcelona a love and respect for nature”

“Barcelona as a city is very aware of the need to protect the environment and the people of Barcelona share a love and respect for nature with the Japanese”. 

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