Вкусный, активный и здоровый отдых в осенней Словении.
News from green, active and healthy Slovenia
Feel Slovenia as the next culinary destination of the world!
Top Slovenian chefs have hosted renowned chefs, opinion makers, journalists and photographers from the world of food. The Slovenian Tourist Board has hosted tour operators from Germany and announced a new partnership with Adria Mobil.
The World Honeybee Day initiative was endorsed by 194 countries and we are looking forward to celebrating it on 20th May.
Visit the Old Vine Festival in Maribor and traditional events at the Slovenian coast. Enjoy the news from green, active and healthy Slovenia!
Greenings from Slovenia
Autumn on the coast is favours outdoor activities
Magical autumn at the Slovenian coast makes it possible for visitors to enjoy the natural landscape, which is already changing colour. more...
I feel Slovenia. Your caravanning destination!
The Slovenian Tourist Board and Adria Mobil have entered into a partnership agreement on joint promotion at all major European fairs on caravanning and leisure vehicles. more...
German tour operators visited Slovenia
A group of 60 tour operators from Germany, along with 15 journalists, have visited Slovenia. They loved our green, active and healthy country. more...
World Honeybee Day bid endorsed by all FAO members
All 194-member states of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) announced their support for Slovenias bid to declare 20th May World Honeybee Day. more...
Taste Slovenia
Čokoljana 2016 - Capital embraced by chocolate
This year for the fourth time, the must-visit event for all sweet tooths, Čokoljana takes place on Pogačar square in Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016. more...
Old Vine Festival begins in Maribor
The key wine and culinary festival in Slovenia, in honour of the oldest vine in the world, has begun in Maribor. more...
Gastronomy elite explores Slovenia
In the past few days, the Slovenian Tourist Board has hosted world-renowned foreign chefs and a group of opinion leaders, journalists and photographers from the culinary industry. more...
Great results for Slovenian tourism
In the first eight months of this year, a 10% increase in the number of tourists visiting Slovenia has been recorded. more...
”Slovenia Meetings” – first time at Imex America
Green, active and healthy Slovenia will be presented at the global IMEX America for the first time. From 18th to 20th October, the event will be held in Las Vegas. more...