Выставки и события в Сарагосе (Испания) - зима 2017 года

Выставки и события в Сарагосе (Испания) - зима 2017 года. NEXT OUTSTANDING ACTIVITIES TO DO IN ZARAGOZA
“Great brilliance”, this is the meaning of the Chinese
expression Da Ming, the name of the dynasty that ruled
China for nearly three centuries (from 1368 to 1644).
The exhibition: “Ming, the Golden Empire” focuses on
Chinese society, culture and art over the period through
126 exceptional artefacts, including ceramics, fabrics,
precious metal work, paintings and works on paper.
These objects all come from the Nanjing Museum, which
boasts one of the finest collections of art from the Ming
period, pieces now seen in our country for the first time.
Place: CaixaForum Zaragoza
Date: from 16th March to 11th June 2017.
For further info, click here
The 29th of January is the Saint Valero’s Day, in honour of
the ancient bishop of the city and nowadays its Patron
This festivity is held from the XII Century, with the tradition
of tasting “roscón” (a ring shaped-cake) during this day. To
celebrate it, a lot of activities are organised. The main one is
sharing a huge ring shaped-cake out among the visitors in
the Pilar Square.
Do not miss a taste! Come! Who knows… You could get a
surprise in it!
Place: Plaza del Pilar.
Date: 29th January 2017.
For further info, click here
One more year, Zaragoza Turismo is participating in the
Tourism Fair FITUR held in Madrid. This is the most
important tourism fair in Spain and a meeting point for
professionals in our field.
On the 19th of January, we will make a presentation about
“Zaragoza, festival of festivals” at 12 pm. Join us and you
will discover an international destination with amazing
cultural activities among the year… And many more
Come to visit Zaragoza in the stand of Aragón in FITUR!
Place: IFEMA Feria de Madrid – Pabellón 7 – Stand 7B10.
Dates: from 18th to 22nd January 2017.
For further info, click here
Discover Zaragoza through the eyes of international
musicians, walking by the streets and with the music they
played in different spaces of the city.
The project “Zaragoza No Other” tries to connect Zaragoza
with the different places where the musicians were born.
They participate and contribute with them own vision of
the city.
Artist like Doug Paisley, The Parson Red Heads, The Hanging
Stars, Wesley Stace or Daniel McGeever have contributed
to this proyect.
Discover Zaragoza in a unique way! Discover a new city!
Place: In several parts of the city.
For further info, click here or here
In Zaragoza, there has always been a very rooted tradition
to the festivity of the Carnival. On Saturday, the clubs play a
leading role, organising together with the Town Hall the
Carnival for the adults. A big parade in the center of the city
is held, where every club wears some costumes with a
different topic each one of them. On Sunday, the
prominent role is played by the kids.
Come to enjoy the Carnival in Zaragoza… Do not miss your
Place: Around all the city.
Dates: 22nd to 26th February 2017.
For further info, click here
John Mayall comes to Zaragoza! He is an English blues
singer, guitarist, organist and songwriter, whose musical
career spans over fifty years.
He was the founder of John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers, a
band which has counted among its members some of the
most famous blues and blues rock musicians (Eric Clapton,
Peter Green, Mick Taylor,…).
Do not miss the concert of one of the greatest musician of
Place: Auditorio de Zaragoza.
Date: 18th February 2017.
For further info, click here
MORE DETAILS AT http://www.zaragoza.es/ciudad/turismo/
Фото сайта en.troovel.com

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