Зимний Берлин рад своим гостям

Зимний Берлин рад своим гостям.It still has the warmth of late summer in Berlin, visitors are still sitting in the street cafes, trying the latest street food trends, and out seeing the city from on board a steamer on the Spree. But the evenings are already considerably shorter, the light festivals will soon begin, instead of street cafes colourfully lit Christmas markets will soon open, and the city gets ready for the end of the year. More and more visitors are coming to the German capital for the end of the year - we'll show you why.
Experience a Christmassy Berlin

Pop into Berlin is on Tour Again 
Berlin on tour: Starting in October, a pop-up store and club will be opening its doors in the major European cities Warsaw, Madrid, and Zurich for one week each. They will be promoting the creative and innovative side of Berlin with the help of Berliners working in the fields of design, fashion, furniture, food, lifestyle, and technology.
Pop into Berlin is back

Exhibition highlights: Hidden art and the British view 
Since the Islamic Revolution in the late 1970s it has rarely been exhibited: the collection of contemporary western art at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art. As of 4 December, it can be seen in the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin. From 8 October 2016, the Martin-Gropius-Bau, has been showing the exhibition "British view: Germany - Memories of a Nation". The exhibition conceived by Neil MacGregor has already impressed thousands of visitors at the British Museum.
More Information

IGA Berlin 2017 - A More from colours 
186 days of urban green in Marzahn-Hellersdorf: from 13 April to 15 October 2017, the first International Garden Exhibition in Berlin dedicates green urban spaces and culture in a variety of dimensions. The IGA on the grounds around the Gardens of the World, the Kienberg, and the Wuhletal make international garden design an experience and provide a new impetus for contemporary urban development. A cable car travelling above the exhibition grounds and a summer toboggan run on the 100 metre high Kienberg are also planned.
More about IGA 2017

Our services
New show at Friedrichstadt Palace
Pure glamour in Friedrichstadt Palace: On 6 October 2016 the largest theatre in the world is celebrating "The One Grand Show" premiere. Jean Paul Gaultier designed more than 500 daring, extravagant costumes for it.
More about the Show

Become a Berlin WelcomeCard partner
The Berlin WelcomeCard is the most popular city pass in Europe. It combines a ticket for public transport with attractive discounts. Become a reseller today and benefit from attractive commissions.
More information

My personal BERLIN 365/24 
To escape hasty Berlin-Mitte, you may find a little café at the edge of the district where you can get a little rest. At the Café Alpenstueck in Schröderstraße you get south German bakery products from sweet to salty to enjoy there or take out.
Who prefers international cuisine in simple interior may visit the Syrian Restaurant Yarok in the evening. It is located at Torstraße, just a few blocks away. The famous Bamya (gumbo) with or without meat is a must!
And if you are up for an evening-walk, visit the nerby government district. Up to
3. October, there is a daily light, sound and laser-Show after sunset that shows the history of the Reichstag on the walls of Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus. If you miss it this year - don´t worry! The installation has been a regular in the last years.
Michaela Kehrer
Medical Tourism Managerin, visitBerlin
Anzeige Distel
The Satire-Theater DISTEL
The thorny DISTEL (thistle) entertains with splendid amusement and biting political humor - always up-to-date with current issues in politics and society.
This musical must be from heaven!
Experience a charmingly funny and yet touching story in a musical bursting with energy. Starting in October and only for a short time at Stage Theater des Westens!

“UNDERART – Ode to a crash landing“ at the CHAMÄLEON
Incredibly beautiful dance choreo- graphies, juggling and a captivating live soundtrack. Absurd, funny and breath-taking moments – a wonderfully different show.

Where to meet us

17-29OctPop into Berlin @ Warsaw
18-20OctDeutschland Workshop in Brasilien
19-21OctITB Asia
7-19NovPop into Berlin @ Madrid
16NovDZT Workshop at Brussels
5-17DecPop into Berlin @ Zurich

More dates

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