Август - лучшее время для отдыха в Словении летом

Август - лучшее время для отдыха в Словении летом.

Green, active and healthy August in Slovenia

Summer is at its peak in green, active and healthy Slovenia. Jump straight into the healthy waters in Slovenian natural spas or feel the green energy in a unique “Forest Selfness” programme among the hills of Cerkno. If you love active holdays, try the new cycling connections across Slovenia and hiking trails in the Jezersko region. To feel some urban touch, explore the medieval city of Maribor where you can find the oldest vineyard in the world!

Greenings from Slovenia

Slovenian natural health resorts more popular than everSlovenian natural health resorts more popular than ever

Green, active and healthy Slovenia is rich in natural thermal and mineral springs. You can enjoy their benefits in natural spas and health resorts all over the country. more...

Summer adventures in the Cerkno hills

Summer adventures in the Cerkno hills

Idyllic hills make Cerkno one of the most popular family destinations for a winter holiday, but in recent years the green forests and trails have become a great summer getaway. more...

Visit Jezersko, where green nature reigns

Visit Jezersko, where green nature reigns

Jezersko is a place where nature reigns. Visit this area embraced by the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, where thematic trails reward you with stunning views. more...

Explore Maribor with Luxury London

Explore Maribor with Luxury London

Explore the medieval city of Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia, and its vineyards, wineries and restaurants on a gastronomic tour with Luxury London. more...

Active Slovenia
Cycling connections between the Alps and the Mediterranean

Cycling connections between the Alps and the Mediterranean

With a newly-marked cycling trail, Slovenia will connect Salzburg in Austria and Grado in Italy. The connection will run through eleven municipalities of Slovenia. more......

Taste Slovenia
Sweet Idrija lace

Sweet Idrija lace

Sweet sugar lace, which is made according to traditional examples of Idrija lace, is one of the loveliest tourist innovations this year. The author, Katja Richer, was awarded the Snovalec national award. more...

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Do not miss

Explore Slovenia in your mobile home

Explore Slovenia in your mobile home

The owners of farms and inns in Slovenia have organised a vast network of campsites and stopover facilities for lovers of camping, caravanning and sustainable travel. more...

First charter flight from Japan lands in Slovenia

First charter flight from Japan lands in Slovenia

At the beginning of August, the first charter plane from Japan landed at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport. It marked the beginning of a series of six charter flights between Ljubljana and Japan. more...

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