Brussels remains a hotspot for international meetings, fairs, congresses and events.
So participants can count, as always, on Brussels’ very high hospitality skills, combined with an exceptionally strong attention to their safety in the city.
It’s time to (re-)discover the European Capital !
For, the Imex fair is an invaluable way to network, meet new leads and put the destination and its partners in the spotlight.
Special Early Bird rate until April 22nd: € 195 (instead of € 245)
The European Association Summit (EAS), the key event during which international associations exchange information, share knowledge, and network, is now accepting registrations.
Brussels has become one of the most dynamic art cities in Europe and offers an energizing mix of local and global culture. In April, the City hosts several art fairs: the 34th edition of Art Brussels ; the 1st Brussels edition of the New York art fair Independent, …
По обычаю, введенному еще при Петре I, пушка, установленная на Государевом бастионе, подавала сигнал к началу и прекращению работ, возвещала об опасном подъеме уровня воды в Неве.