Брюссельские встречи: июнь 2016 года

Брюссельские встречи: июнь 2016 года

visit.brussels announces new "Association Bureau"


The European Association Summit, rendez-vous of international associations took place from May 31st to June 2nd at the SQUARE Meeting Centre in Brussels. The annual event was the ideal opportunity for visit.brussels to announce the creation of its new "Association Bureau", designed specifically for international associations.
Global Association Hubs Partnership : Partner cities announce three key steps to accelerate programme
Following the creation of the Global Association Hub Partnership (GAHP) at the end of 2015, the four city Partners  - Destination DC, Dubai Association Center, Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau and visit.brussels -  have announced three key action points to accelerate their plans to help associations grow and expand internationally.
Brussels Days in Tokyo : celebrating 150 years of friendship between Belgium and Japan
For the Brussels Days that took place from May 15th to May 19th, a delegation travelled to Tokyo and Nagoya. There were official meetings with local officials and seminars with tourism professionals and companies of all kinds.Amongst the various activities, two carpets of flowers from Brussels were inaugurated on iconic places of Tokyo.
The Beer Bus Experience
Hop aboard an amazing vintage bus and taste local beers brewed in small craft breweries.
This guided tour will enable you to discover the history of beer and Brussels’s best kept secrets.
Promotion of Brussels at two international meetings to be held in Brussels in 2017
Representatives of visit.brussels travelled respectively to Athens and to Nantes to promote two international meetings to be held in Brussels next year :
• The Spring Symposium of EADV (European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology)
• The European Annual Meeting of SETAC  (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry).
34th GEEW  - Gastroenterology and Endotherapy European Worskhop (June 20th – June 22nd)
Started in 1983 and held every year in June, this meeting has become established as one of the largest European workshops in its field, gathering around 800 participants coming from 60 to 65 different countries worldwide.
“Harry Potter : The Exhibition” opens on June 30th
In this amazing exhibition, guests will get an up close and personal look at the artistry and craftsmanship that went into creating the iconic props and costumes that appeared throughout the “Harry Potter” films.
visit.brussels and Air advertising agency win first prize at the prestigious “One Show”
In New York, the One Club, the world's foremost non-profit organization recognizing creative excellence in advertising and design, has given its most prestigious annual award, ”The One Show Best in Discipline: Interactive”, to the Air advertising agency for its #CallBrussels campaign.


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