Мэр Лондона садик Хан запустил широкомасштабную акцию в соцсетях #LondonIsOpen

Мэр Лондона садик Хан запустил широкомасштабную акцию в соцсетях #LondonIsOpen

Sadiq Khan - #LondonIsOpenThe Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has launched #LondonIsOpen, a major campaign to show that London is united and open for business and to the world following the EU referendum.

The starting idea for the campaign is built around London opening its doors to welcome people in, and will encourage people to use this as a platform for their own contributions. A line up of creative and musical stars, including Jude Law, Jarvis Cocker and Richard Branson, have already declared their support for #LondonIsOpen in three further films, found below.

Sadiq Khan said: “London is the best city in the world. It is creative, international, entrepreneurial and full of opportunities. I’m incredibly proud to be Mayor of a city that’s so comfortable with its diversity and so optimistic about its future... We now need to make sure that people across London, and the globe, hear that #LondonIsOpen. I urge everyone to get involved with this simple but powerful campaign to send a positive message to the world.”  

Please do share the videos on social media using #LondonIsOpen and spread the message that we are open for business, to visitors and Londoners.


Join #LondonIsOpen


Watch famous faces spread the word and declare that #LondonIsOpen        

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Chris Moyles

The Mayor of London and celebrities including Chris Moyles spread the message

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Niall Horan - #LondonIsOpen

One Direction's Niall Horan joins in with #LondonIsOpen

Watch now

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