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Flower power call to Slovenia

Spring is fully awake in green, active and healthy Slovenia!

Visit the International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj and enjoy the fresh alpine air at Velika planina, beneath which the new glamping Eko resort is still offering the best job in the world. Surround yourself with views of the highest Slovenian peaks in Kranjska Gora, where the homestead Pr’Govedarjo has received a gold Travelife Certificate.

Make new memories in Slovenia and enjoy the news from our green, active and healthy country.
Greenings from Slovenia

Spotlight on Slovenia–ECTAA semi-annual meeting in Ljubljana

Spotlight on Slovenia–ECTAA semi-annual meeting in Ljubljana

ECTAA, the European Travel Agents’ and Tour Operators’ Association, was invited to hold its semi-annual meeting in the beautiful capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, from 25-28 May. more...

First World Conference on Tourism for Development in Beijing

First World Conference on Tourism for Development in Beijing

Within the framework of the working visit to Beijing, the Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Zdravko Počivalšek, and the Director of the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB), Maja Pak, met with the Chairman of the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA), Li Jinzao. more...

Great success for the campaign “Make New Memories in Sloveni

Great success for the campaign “Make New Memories in Sloveni

The global digital campaign I Feel Slovenia - Make New Memories was prepared by the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) in close cooperation with the Slovenian tourism industry. more...

Green Slovenia
Slovenia has a new Travelife certificate

Slovenia has a new Travelife certificate

Tourism trends are increasingly leaning towards long-term sustainable development, and they are being followed by some tourist accommodation providers, who are supplementing and developing their usual offer for their guests. One of them is the renovated homestead PrGavedarjo in the village of Podkoren near Kranjska Gora in north-west Slovenia. more...

...Active Slovenia
Slovenian celebrities in dream job as shepherds

Slovenian celebrities in dream job as shepherds

Do you remember the open call for the dream job in green, active and healthy Slovenia? The new eco-glamping tourist village, the Eko resort beneath Velika planina, will be located in the village of Godič near Kamnik in northern Slovenia. The scent of wood, the cosy environment, and the view through the window conjure up an enchanted atmosphere in the lovely shepherds’ village. more...

Do not miss

Business adventures of Postojna Cave

Business adventures of Postojna Cave

On Thursday, 26th Maj, Postojna Cave organised a press conference about their business achievements in 2015 and 2016. more...

Conference on the marketing concept of Slovenian tourism

Conference on the marketing concept of Slovenian tourism

Within the framework of the International Wildflower Festival in Bohinj, which is taking place from 21st May to 5th June 2016, the organisers hosted a professional conference. more...Record value of exports in tourism, first quarter of 2016

Record value of exports in tourism, first quarter of 2016

The Bank of Slovenia has prepared a report on economic data for tourism, focusing on the value of imports and exports of travel and, consequently, their contribution to the Slovenian economy. more...



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